19 July 2013 Standard Operating Procedure For International Military Student Travel Reference: Enclosures: I. (a) DSCA Security Assistance Management Manual (1) Travel Request Worksheet (2) NAVPTO BANGOR Form 4650/2 (JUN 09) (3) NPS FORM 1610REV, JUNE 2013 (4) EFT Information Sheet (5) DD Form 1351‐2, May 2011 Introduction A. Travel for full‐time International Military Students (IMS) at the Naval Postgraduate School is not governed by the Joint Federal Travel Regulations, but instead by reference (a). As such, their travel is arranged and managed as outlined in this SOP. The procedures in this document do not apply to any foreign military personnel other than NPS IMS. B. The basic difference is that IMS are not allowed to use DTS. Instead, their travel reservations are requested from (using enclosure (2)) and made by the Naval Passenger Transportation Office (NAVPTO), and their hard copy orders are prepared and approved by the Authorizing Official on enclosure (3). II. Procedure A. Once a need for travel is identified, the traveler completes a Travel Request Worksheet (enclosure (1)), which contains the description and itinerary of the requested travel, and then signs the form on the reverse. B. The Sponsoring Department then completes the lower section on the reverse of this form, identifying the LOA(s), allocation details, leave dates, and any other amplifying remarks. The form is then signed by the Professor/Principal Investigator, Sponsored Program Financial Analyst (SPFA), Program Officer, and, if using an LOA from the International Office, an official of that office. C. The ODTA then completes a Passenger Reservation Request (enclosure (2)) to request travel reservations, using the information from enclosure (1). Any entry blanks on this form that are not required should have an entry of “N/A”. For item 17, IMS are not required to utilize government quarters. This form must be signed by the traveler in item 21. D. The ODTA completes a Request and Auth. For Travel of Int’l. Military Student (enclosure (3)) down through item 12., Transportation Mode. E. The ODTA then faxes (7632) enclosures (1) and (2), and forwards by email the partially completed, fillable enclosure (3) to the Travel Office. This action must be completed at least ten working days before the commencement of travel. F. The Travel Office will have enclosure (2) item 23 signed by the Travel Officer, then email/fax it to NAVPTO Bangor for OCONUS travel (w_cni_brem_navpto‐bangor_us@navy.mil or fax to 360 396‐5855,) or to CSD, Monterey, for CONUS travel (fax to 831 656‐1862/3.) The Travel Office will also provide the traveler’s personal credit card number directly to SATO if hotel and/or rental car reservations are required. Once reservations are made, NAVPTO or CSD will return this form to the Travel Office with costs for flights, rental cars and lodging. At this point, SATO will email the reservation summary to the ODTA and the traveler. G. The Travel Office will then complete items 14. through 18 of enclosure (3). In item 14.a. include the cost of lodging and M&IE. In accordance with paragraph C10.13 of reference (a), IMS “will be reimbursed for travel and per diem (lodging, subsistence and incidentals) in accordance with the JFTR rate for the TDY location.” In item 14.b., include the cost of travel to, between when more than one, and from the last duty destination. In item 14.c., include the cost of rental car and miscellaneous expenses. The Travel Office will then print and fax this document to the ODTA. The ODTA will obtain the SPFA’s and AO’s signatures in items 17 and 18, and then fax it back to the Travel Office. The Travel Office will enter the Line of Accounting (job order) number in item 19. between “62271 3” and the “E”. H. The Travel Office will then deliver enclosure (3) to Bonnie Repass or Cynthia Gouveia in the Comptroller’s Accounting Department, who will assign it to a technician for assignment of a Travel Authorization number and obtain approval by the Comptroller. The Accounting Department then faxes the completed form to the Travel Office (7632,) which will then fax it to NAVPTO Bangor for OCONUS travel or CSD Monterey for CONUS travel; and then deliver it to the traveler. I. SATO will purchase tickets three days before travel, and then email the final itinerary to the traveler. J. Upon completion of travel and within five business days of return, the traveler will complete an EFT Information Sheet (enclosure (4) and a Travel Voucher (enclosure (5)). The voucher must be signed by the traveler in item 20a., by the Approving Official in item 21.b., and then submitted to the Customer Service Desk in building 300. K. Travelers should use the following checklist to ensure their travel claims are proper, complete, and comply with the intent of the order before submitting them to the reviewing/approving official for signature. 1. The Travel Voucher (DD Form 1351‐2 May 2011) must be prepared in ink, typewriter, or computer generated with fillable form. 2. The traveler’s signature must be in block 20a, and dated in block 20b. 3. All information in blocks 1‐9 and 11 of the travel voucher must be completed. Provide a duty phone number and e‐mail address. 4. Are advances and/or accrued per diem payments listed in block 9? The traveler must annotate “NONE” in block 9 if there were no advances or partial payments. 5. Do not check Split Disbursement In block 1 of the DD1351‐2. 6. The itinerary in block 15a must be completed using dates but not times, modes of travel, and reason for stops. Please refer to the reverse page of the DD1351‐2 for correct “modes of travel” and “reason for stop” codes. 7. Is block 16 (POC Travel) checked if mileage is claimed? Examples of POC mileage are within and around the TDY Site, to and from the airport, and to and from the TDY site. In/around POC mileage must be approved/authorized. In /around mileage must be claimed and total mileage driven each day listed. This travel should be included on the TDY claim or as an attachment. 8. Block 17 must be completed indicating duration of TDY period. 9. Did you claim all of your authorized reimbursable expenses in block 18? Mission related items (e.g. batteries/film) are not reimbursable travel expenses and should be submitted with a DD1164. 10. Were rental car expenses claimed? If so, was the rental car obtained through proper channels (government contracted office, e.g. SATO)? Rental Car receipts are required regardless of dollar amount. Pre‐calculation receipts are not acceptable. Include a copy of your government contracted travel office (SATO) itinerary. 11. International Military Students are not required to use government quarters. 12. Is lodging claimed and supported by paid receipts (regardless of amount)? Receipts must show a zero balance. 13. Are reimbursable expenses of $75.00 or more claimed on the travel voucher and supported by an original paid receipt? Lost Receipt forms are not allowed. 14. Is a conference or registration fee claimed? If so, did you state the number of meals provided at no cost in block 19 of the DD 1351‐2? If none, please state. 15. Exchange rate when foreign currency is involved must be indicated on the travel voucher. The traveler must include the expense in both foreign currency and U.S. Dollars. 16. Was leave taken in conjunction with the TDY? If so, was it annotated in the itinerary and in block 29, Remarks section? 17. Are there specific items not in the original order that require an amended order or the authorization and signature of the Approving Official? If yes, are the items properly claimed and necessary receipts attached? 18. Are the required orders, receipts, statements, justifications, etc., attached to the travel claim and is the claim reasonable and consistent with the mission? 19. You must forward your completed travel voucher and supporting documentation to your Authorizing Official, who must sign it in block 21.b.